
Not so slim, but exceptionally shady, and like the song says, This Shady is Back!

Yes, ladies and gents, after some careful consideration, the BLOG is back to your desktop or mobile device.  It will be, as usual, complete with too many commas, rampant with spelling mistakes, and, for your reading pleasure, inexplicably missing words so that you have to have to build your sentences.  Reader participation is important.

Many of you weren't in the league for the first or second iteration of the BLOG, so I'm going to do a little explaining.  This all began as a game summary of Grisslie games and quickly morphed into a bit of an explainable phenomena.  There are some reasons for that.  One, people that engaged with the BLOG love the league and like a lot of the characters that we have in it.  Two, what appears here is grounded in truth but is at least 90% exaggeration or bald face lies.  Three, people, by and large, have a healthy sense of humour and pretty thick skin when it comes to being made fun of.  Those that don't possess those qualities, I tend to avoid.

When I write, it generally turns out to be voluminous.  If you've heard me speak, you'll understand this.  Years ago I had a person tell me, "those BLOGs are great, but they're so long!"  My response, obviously, was, "then just read half."  These words tend to be my therapy and I don't mean that as just an expression.  I've missed writing over the last 4 years and I am anxious to get going again.  I know I'll have three readers, for sure, and that's 2 more than I actually need.  If anyone else climbs aboard, that'll be great!  If not, that's okay too.

Finally, the format will change.  There may be several issues in a row that follow a script, but it'll evolve, it always does as every season and set of circumstances are unique.  It will always have a foundation in baseball and will always involve one or more people or situations from our league.  But remember:

It's Fake News.
It's Fake Stories.
It's Fake Profiles.

So .... without any further ado.

Let's start with having a little poke at profile of the people at the top of the organization, shall we?  You're 2020 executive is 60% new and only 20% have more than one year under their belt in their current roles.  Introductions would be appropriate.  So let's give a little background so you're all familiar with them.  I'll also chime in with my personal appraisal, just because I want to and I can.  And I've included some personal quotes from these gentlemen that I carefully wrote down during my up close & personal one-on-one interviews with them.

Paul Piellusch:  This guy hasn't changed changed much in recent years, still looks like Starsky to me.  Our President, Paul has been a captain for, I believe, 9 years now and he had numerous years serving the league in a Vice President, overseeing such things as jerseys and equipment as well convening tournaments.  There aren't too many things in our league operations that Paul hasn't done 1st hand.
Biased Editor Notes:  Ridiculous amount of hair for a man of his age.
Unbiased Editor Notes:   His business background plus spearheading the light-it-up campaign, combined with all his other experiences in the league have him perfectly situated for this role.  Additionally, he has the added benefit of being absent of pride and willingly engages people.  All bodes well for a great run!
Paul's Quote:  "I'm looking forward to my first season as President.  I honestly couldn't do this role without support from league members and I'd like to thank them all, especially the little people.  Particularly, Gyori, Taylor, Dwyer and Hardy".  Without you guys, I would be considered short."   

Robert Jordan:  Robert, in the position of Secretary / Treasurer has only been in the league for 4 years and has already made a mark.  His 3rd year saw him assume the role of Treasurer and he stepped into the busiest financial year in our league's history!  Not only did he do a completely amazing job, but he oversaw our organization's first ever surplus year, which saw us be able to give money back to our community! 
Biased Editor Notes:  Absolutely shameful that you would accepted a jacket with the bullshit broken arm story. Armstrong probably broke it on purpose (if it ever really was broken) just to get you off the team and grab someone else from the waiting list.  Calling Bullshit!!!
Unbiased Editor Notes:   I'm not going to lie (in this part), the volume of work last year, specifically due to all the fundraising was, at times, overwhelming.  Robert stayed the course and got everything done without lashing out at anyone, although he probably would have been entitled.  Put it this way, several NHL coaches would have been fired if they were doing his job.  However, he has turned chicken shit into chicken salad and has instituted new practices that well be a benefit to him as well as aiding future Treasurers.  One of his new processes is a monthly review with our Comptroller which will take the stress out of the month leading up to the AGM.
Robert's Quote:  "I'm a little pissed off that our new President denied my request to be put onto draft day organization team.  I seriously can't go through another year on Hughie's team.  Wait .... you're not writing this down are you?  I thought this part was off the record.  No.  Seriously.  Stop writing!"

Jens Lepa:  Jens steps into the daunting role of 1st Vice President.  For those who are uneducated on our constitution, this means that he needs to step into the role of President, should Paul ever be unavailable.  Jens is coming off of a very successful year as President of the Sunday Night Men's ball league in town and had a previous 5 year run as an Oldtimers Captain with Steve DeLand on the Gruesome Devils.  His willingness to get his hands dirty and not being shy about asking questions will serve him well in this new role.
Biased Editor Notes:  I've aged 22 years in the 11 years that I've been in the league.  Jens has aged about 5 minutes in that time.  Pisses me off.
Unbiased Editor Notes:   Jens will have a broad array of responsibilities as Paul is committed to get people involved in areas of interest and specialty.  Equipment and tournaments seem to be areas that Jens seems to have some comfort in and that will be great for the league.  He has performed most every role in tournament management and has been working on the planning committees for years.  It'll be a busy year, but the transition will be a smooth one for Jens.
Jens' Quote:  "I'm not super big on computers.  Don't get me wrong, I've played pac-man, I'm pretty hip with the modern technology.  But honestly, I think it's a bit of a fad.  Know what I mean?  Don't get me wrong, I have a pocket calculator.  Well.  Sort of.  You need to have a REALLY big pocket."

Geoff Keogh:  One of two people returning to their role, Geoff has steadily gained traction and has been a critical contributor in his 3 years.  In addition to 3 years on the executive, he is in his fourth season of captaining the Tottenham Twisters of New Tecumseth (yes, that is the REAL team name) along with Jim Smith.  Geoff is a baseball man through and through and that expression actually means something .... if you're a baseball man.
Biased Editor Notes:  Geoff is still dining out on the Twisters regular season championship, like Elsa (or Anna) said, let it go!  Seriously.  The 2001 Seattle Mariners had a 116 wins, the Diamondbacks won the World Series.  1954 Cleveland Native Americans had 114 wins, the New York Baseball Giants won the World Series.  You know who remembers regular season champs?  People that lose in the playoffs.  And Hugh Armstrong.  Okay, same thing, but you know what I mean.
Unbiased Editor Notes:   Gets the business of running this league.  Gets the game and how it is supposed to be played.  Is exceptionally patient with players and volunteers who are learning.  He'll have his hands full, but that's not unusual for Geoff, he'll deliver huge.
Geoff's Quote:  "I don't really understand all that talk about Jens being 'the nicest guy in the league'.  Is that supposed to be a joke?  Tongue in cheek?  I mean, he's okay .... I guess.  But he's no Tim Schrank.  Or Tim Osmond for that matter.  Or even Tim Sullivan, and he's been out of the league for two years.  In fact, probably any guy, anywhere named Tim would be at least as nice if not nicer than Jens.  Nothing against Jens, but Tim's are special.  And Tom's.  Probably Tony's too."

Dave Storms:  As has come up in conversation, Dave is the youngest (see picture) member of the executive.  Even if you count Jens having not aged since joining, Dave is still younger.  As a four year member of the league, he has become progressively more involved as he's made his way around the league.  Last season was a breakout year for him as he dove head first into the Light It Up committee running events, taking the lead on social media communications and also providing numerous artistic mock ups for the committee.
Biased Editor Notes:  I'm just hoping that his commercial endeavors don't get in the way of baseball.  There has been significant talk about him playing the young Leonardo DiCaprio in the upcoming epic "When We Were Younger Than We Are Now, Like Before, Again".  Leo would play the aged 40 something know-it-all-gangster-thug-singer-songwriter-pimp-priest-fur trader; and Dave would play him as a 17 year old street corner hoodlum, singing with his R&B band around a burning garbage can.
Unbiased Editor Notes:   Tireless, boundless energy, enthusiasm and creativity.  He will participate and lead a number of different things and he'll do well, I have no doubt.  But, perhaps the biggest asset is changing the dynamic.  This takes nothing away from anyone else past or present, but Dave brings a summary of talents that we haven't really seen before.  We've had IT guys (me, Paul, Steve, Jamie) but Dave sees technology through a completely different lens.  Very good communicator, plays nice in the sandbox and will be a great addition to the team.
Dave's Quote:  "I love the league, honestly it's amazing.  But there is one thing that I'd change.  I hate, hate, hate, tie games.  If there is a tie after 7 innings, I think that the captains should play a 2 out of 3 game of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.  It would be sooooo easy!  Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.  Easy."

Issue #1 is in the books, tune back in on New Years Day when I will have a special investigative report on one of our league captains.  I'm just waiting to confirm one of my sources.  .


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